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Lithuania Tech Weekly #155
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  • Dual-tech. Too much happening to fit all this week, but Aktyvus Photonics tells more about how Baudejas works (thumbs up for this title), RSI Europe signed LOI with Ukraine Defence Industry, and there is a VC firechat in Vilnius tomorrow - sign up.
  • Too good for venture. It would be fun to build a list of small yet very profitable tech teams in the Baltics - have ideas on how to pick them? We may need start with Web Robots, Eldorado Market, or Glosendas.
  • Latvia will have a real Startup House in Riga - cool non-for-profit initiative.
  • People moves. Rokas Golcas leaving carVertical, has built his personal moat on google ads - including some tooling in works. Antanas, Ringaudas and Lukas left Nosto - after bootstrapping SearchNode and successful acquisition they are back to building new. Will add them to the list and keen to follow that journey.

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