
Happy lunch!
Lithuania Tech Weekly #86
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Join TP Membership Circle with some great minds already there.

work in progress

rounds and capital

  • Noting to report, so let's report on people building in the meantime:

people building

  • Valdemaras made a website builder, which lets you create and publish best-in-class documentation websites (think Stripe docs) using a simple Notion-style inline editor.
  • Mykolas Katkus and Alfredas Chmieliauskas are building Repsense - AI powered platform that tracks, evaluates and builds global reputation.
  • Reporta team (Darius Klimasauskas and others) would like to build a software tool for regulatory reporting automation.
  • Martynas and the team launched Unscripted - an international online learning platform shaping the entrepreneurial mindset of global leaders.
  • Povilas built, a content engine powered by AI - now looking into SaaS subs and need advice on growth.


founder & operator guide
