Keep growing - survey answers

How would you feel if you would no longer receive this newsletter?

What content is most valueable for you? (multiple choice)

How would you rate TP among any Baltic tech newsletters?

What type of people would mostly benefit from our newsletter?
All answers circle around the tech community (founders, investors, contributors). Here are some examples:
- "Entrepreneurs. Employees of startups. Journalists. Investors."
- "Investors (VCs, angels), startup founders and wannabe founders, people curious about Baltic tech ecosystem in general (students, coaches, mentors, hubs)"
- "Founders and future founders"
- "People interested in ecosystem development - founders, wannabe founders, investors, senior roles in startups, etc."
- "Curious, but lazy people. I work in PR, and start learning the context of LT tech industry. This newsletter is my mentor. Thank you thank you thank you!"
What would you change in what we do? (all answers)
- Less teso-propaganda and more critical approach ;)
- Nothing. Please keep everything. It’s perfect.
- How about LIVE / Online events / podcasts? ;)
- Write about failures as well as successes
- Just keep doing what you are doing. Wouldn't change anything. I do skip all the resources for the entrepreneurs as the internet is full of this. But all news about LT startup scene is very interesting. Not sure there is another place where I could get this info in such a concentrated way.
- Nothing, it's one of the few newsletters I always read.
- Nothing
- Perhaps a good idea would be to start writing original content for your blog :)
- not much
- Have a section on global tech trends and match them with what is happening in the Baltics.
- Just keep it short as it is now
- I miss some insights some personal views from authors. Let's say once a month. 2022 trends is an excellent example of such content.
- "It's all about hype on your newsletter. I would like a more critical view. Like when this surfshark deal was announced: you were interested what's next, while so many people were curious if something dodgy is happening. I wish you provided some perspective as well. All in all, you position yourselves as chroniclers, but is hyping startup scene really documenting history?"
- Have it a bit longer
- Nothing
- Make a podcast
- Not much
- Do it more clear with UI
- Sometimes the newsletter is overwhelmingly big - TLDR
- I would probably make it biweekly or even monthly. As for the content - cannot imagine anything better.
- not much of ideas
- "Visuals - Not necessarily graphic design, just making it easier to scan
- Visuals - more graphs and other representations (good one on top investors)"
- Focus on Baltics more instead of LT only. Get Estonian and Latvian people on the team to cover Estonia and Latvia better
- Webpage with news interviews with CEOs!
- (1) Can feature a startup and/or VC each month for both investors to get to know them & also for potential business development opportunities with other startups.
(2) As an investor interested in the Baltics and especially LT, there are many mainstream events but there might also be some other ecosystem events which the readers can be informed of that are may not be known by everyone.
(3) Virtual ""fireside chats"" connecting startups & VCs to bolster the already existing community." - Give people free money, other than that you’re doing just perfect! Zero competition.
- Start charging your subscribers, invest the funds in improving the letter.
- Nothing. It's a brilliant template that just works.
- Split a newsletter in two - one just for the news in the ecosystem and the second one focused on tips and longer reads
- Maybe provide the same news but in a more friendly way than just dropping a bunch of numbers and statistics.
- More inside baseball (maybe I’m an outlier), movers, shakers, trends you notice
- Categorize articles you share. What about TP events? Any plans here?
- Nothing!
- Not even sure - you're doing amazing!
- "Really love email's minimalistic style.
- Would be nice to have more news from other countries. Maybe not weekly, but monthly. "
- I'd make monthly newsletter but with higher quality content. Also a podcast to interview founders would be amazing.
- More tips or helpful information for start-ups, or people who are interested in working with or in start-ups.
- I would probably write some articles on some of the region's clowns like J. Pikelis or I. Laurs
- nothing, keep 'em coming